Black Excellence Brunch
Founder and Creative Director of The Baddie Brunch Series, Sydney Chandler. Photo by @JCicreatives
Brunch is heavily known as one of the favorite activities of the Young Black Professional crowd. For me, brunch is intertwined into almost all of my weekend activities. It is more than just a meal, it is an experience.
When the idea of the Black Excellence Brunch came up, curating an experience was top of mind for Sydney Chandler. Established in 2016, Sydney, also known as the Baddie Godmother, is Founder and Creative Director of the Dallas-based brand The Baddie Brunch Series. Sydney had already hosted several brunches, happy hours and networking events throughout the year focusing on the empowerment of women through sisterhood and slay. This brunch was vastly different from the others as it included something none before it The doors of Baddie Heaven were opened and gentlemen were able to come behind the doors once heavily guarded.
Having the opportunity to assist with and attend the inaugural Black Excellence Brunch, I can attest to the fact that when a room is filled with 150 people wearing black and dripped in gold, it makes a statement. Since my favorite color is black and I love gold, this is a no-brainer that I was in support of all things Black Excellence.
Cupcakes by @gabriellemcbay. Photo by JCi Creatives
While glasses of mimosas were being poured and plates of chicken and waffles were coming from the buffet, attendees were given the chance to discuss topics that ranged in discussions from television shows and music to business and relationships. Guest speakers delivered gems of advice on success and belief in one's passions.
This event became more than a brunch. It was an opportunity to meet with other people and not ask what they could do for you, but to see where you could help then. It was more than just a meal; more than just a brunch. It was an experience.
For information on upcoming events, please visit the Baddie Brunch website.
Giveaway by Sponsor Dapper Black Box. Photo by @JCIcreatives
One of the event sponsors, Miss Jessie's. Photo by @JCIcreatives
Gift Basket Giveaway. Photo by JCI Creatives