Woman of Purpose Conference 2017
Sometimes God leads you to a place that you didn't know youneeded to be
The Owning Your Influence Panel with Yvonne Orji, actress, Stacy Ike, Host of OWN Tonight, and Jackie Nwobu, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Munaluchi Bridal Magazine.
It is no secret that I attend a lot of events. It's also not a secret that every event I attend isn't amazing. Some are not that memorable, others are good, a lot are great, but very few and far between are ones that are extraordinary. It's a rare occurrence that I see a room filled to the brim of people, especially Black women, moved by every word that is being spoken. It is even more rare that I feel it within myself.
I'm not a big fan of conferences. I typically find that they are repetitive in nature. A key note speaker, a few break out sessions, and networking then boom...it's over. In all honesty, what moved me to go to this particular conference was the lineup for the panel. Yvonne Orji was listed as one of the key speakers and I was bought in. Even when speaking to my friends about the conference I was excitedly repeating that I'm ready to see Molly from Insecure. Being familiar with Jackie Nwobu of Munaluchi Bridal, Obia Ewah of Obia Naturals , and Courtney Sanders of Think and Grow Chick it was a no brainer to attend. Looking back I ashamed of how little I thought of this conference in comparison to how much I gained.
.Conversing with a few of the women around me I learned that we all had different reasons for our attendance at this event. "I was invited by a friend," "I saw it on Instagram," or like me "Girl I am trying to see Molly!" Whatever the reason that originally attracted us wasn't the same ending to our individual stories.
“This season is Fall and it represents harvest. Everything you have worked so hard for in the past few seasons; it’s your time to gather your crops and reap everything you’ve sown”
On the introductory night after a short song service, WOP Founder Jessica Chinyelu took to the stage to give us the history behind the conference and why it is a necessity for women of color. Through her organization she aims to empower, equip and lead women to pursue their God given passions and dreams. One of the things that stuck out to me out of the many great things that she said was that on that day, September 22nd, it marked a new season. It was the first day of Fall and it represents harvest. Everything that we had been working hard for in the past few seasons was now at the time to gather our crops and reap what we have sown.
Hearing story after story for two days of the storms people faced were at times heartbreaking. From sickness to having no money these women never stopped sowing. They listened, did their part, but more importantly stayed obedient to God. It caused me to take a hard look at myself and see that maybe the reason I felt as though I did not know my purpose was because I was choosing not to listen. Choosing to do things on my own and not at the will of God. Have I really been obedient to his instructions for me? I can without a doubt tell you no.
This conference was a therapy session that I didn't know I needed. It was a fullness that I hadn't felt in a very long time. God used something so simple as being a fan of Yvonne to move me to be where He needed me to be, right in that moment to hear what I need to hear, and to experience a movement inside of me.
I could write a novel on those two days and I still wouldn't be able to cover everything that I would want to share with you. I can't find the words to even begin to form the sentences that would describe the emotion, helplessness, and rebuilding that transpired in such a short span of time. What I am able to do is give you the gems that I took away in hopes that they touch you in a way that they touched me.
Receiving Your New Name: Jokotade
Three Key points to help you be reinvented
1. You must understand human limitations.
2. You must remove yourself from the noise. Get to your quite space
3. Make God not a priority, but the #1 priority.
Read: Matthew 16: 15-19, Exodus 3:14
Profiting from Purpose: Courtney Sanders, Think & Grow Chick
There are different things as believers we are called to do. It isn't about chasing money or about being greedy. It is about allowing yourself to be blessed to the level you bless others in return. Don't be afraid of stepping into your purpose that will also lead to a profit. It is Godly to profit from you purpose. It is Godly to reap your harvest.
The Three M's every woman of God must master:
1. Master your Mission: Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders will build in vein.
2. Master your Mindset: 1 talent is worth a person's weight in gold. If you are given something, you are expected to take it and make it grow. Your talents are your money. Are you going to keep doing nothing with your talents or make them grow? Read Matthew 25
3. Master the Method: Know about the tools that you are given in order to do the method. Without a method there is only madness.
Owning your Influence: Jackie Ike, Yvonne Orji, and Jackie Nwobu
Identifying your gift isn't about you, it is about God
Identify your gift, then identify your difference.
Don't disrespect what the gift is; anytime we decide to be scared and timid, we are not only denying ourselves but missing out on what God has given you.
Numbers don't mean anything. Your influence is your intention to the number of people that God has called you to impact.
When we push others to be great, we are giving them the permission to be bomb
Make yourself someone God can use for noble purposes.
You have a responsibility to the light that God has given you
Once you have been exposed to more your ceiling has been raised.
It is a privilege to go through the trials that God entrusts you with
Keep people around you that are honest. Tell you the truth. Tell you that God has you.
For more information, visit Woman of Purpose. Registration is now open for 2018
Yvonne at the VIP Dinner after the Conference. Picture by @lovethatgirlbre
Stacy Ike and Guest at the VIP Dinner. Photo by @lovethatgirlbre