BSIDE Worth Knowing Volume 1: The Builder of Brands


Brandon Miller is a Dallas-based, serial side-hustler, branding coach, and community change agent. In short, he “builds brands and motivates others to embrace their greatness.” From 9-to-5, Brandon helps companies implement leading-edge technologies as an IT Implementations Consultant where he also chairs his firm's Diversity Council helping to promote diversity, inclusion, and equity at his firm.

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From 5-to-9, Brandon manages multiple entrepreneurial ventures: That Guy’s Graphics,a graphic design and creative agency; The Black Burdell, Inc., a nonprofit focused on promoting, supporting, and cultivating African American entrepreneurs; the Too Fly Fundraiser, a nonprofit whose vision is to creatively raise funds for passports, tools, and resources to aid in helping students in underserved communities to travel abroad, and Be Great Gearan e-commerce apparel platform that encourages others’ to be the greatest version of themselves.

Brandon is also a motivational blogger, branding coach, and community advocate.

What people may not know about me from the outside looking in is that sarcasm and pettiness are my Love Languages; if you think I'm an asshole, I probably think you're super dope. Also, I'll be damned if I drink some Belvedere while Puff got Ciroc, Ya'll need to stop.

Follow Brandon on Instagram and Twitter @thatguybmills and his website

Also get your ticket to the upcoming BSOE Conference

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